Wednesday, October 25, 2006

This Is How Liberty Dies. With Thunderous Applause.

I intended to reserve this totally for uni work, but I admit that went a little awry when Galadriel came along. So.

WHAT the hell is going on? Western Australia and daylight frakking savings? I'm sorry? I thought, clearly stupidly, that we had a democratic system. So, when the majority vote in WA for daylight savings was NO, I thought that meant we wouldn't have it. But no. Some (censor) decided that they wanted it, so ignored the MAJORITY vote.

"Mr Omodei says he believes WA can move straight to a trial because he believes there is strong community support for day light savings. 'I think there's a groundswell of opinion out there in the public now that supports daylight saving,' he said. 'I don't think it would be necessary to muddy the waters with a referendum.'

The real reason they don't want a referendum? Is because the last THREE times it was offered, the outcome was no. Paranoid? Well, this is taken from the "Daylight Savings Party" homepage "The policy of the party is simple... to legislate the introduction of Daylight Saving to WA. We don't want another referendum because we think that it may be voted down."
So frak them. FRAK THEM ALL!

Nee ta ma duh tyen-shia suo-yo duh run doh gai si.


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