Lock S-Foils in Attack Position
.... cos we're almost there, gorram it!
4 weeks (holy frak!) left for the semester, the uni year, until freedom ensues for 3 months. Which means the icky end of things, namely major assignments.
Professional Writing and Presentation - I was trying to look at morals and ethics in fiction, with a look in at children's fiction and that playschool debacle (more info) but I found out that may not be fiction and that somewhat fell in a hole, for now. I'm working on it!
Publishing Practice - I'm thinking about writing up my article on copyright and the implications of electronic 'publishing' (because music, I think shares an equal part in this whole problem) on copyright issues.
CIT - I don't really know yet, something to do with authors as individuals, because I think that ties in a few of the readings, plus I get to use a few others from PWP. Which would be shiny.
Creative Writing - one more piece to write, a 2500 word short story in the genre of my choosing. The ideas are there. The words aren't.
But, I have now done my presentation for Publishing, which is nice, because now I have no more presentation left to do, which is awesome, because I hate the frelling things. (presentation on accessibility)
If there's anywhere I can post a powerpoint, I'd be happy to share my joint presentation on how the War of the Worlds = people are stupid and should never listen to the radio, or rather, the blurring of fact and fiction using Orson Welles radio broadcast as a case study. It has pretty pictures.
Clearly, I'd rather be in any number of numerous galaxies right now.
4 weeks (holy frak!) left for the semester, the uni year, until freedom ensues for 3 months. Which means the icky end of things, namely major assignments.
Professional Writing and Presentation - I was trying to look at morals and ethics in fiction, with a look in at children's fiction and that playschool debacle (more info) but I found out that may not be fiction and that somewhat fell in a hole, for now. I'm working on it!
Publishing Practice - I'm thinking about writing up my article on copyright and the implications of electronic 'publishing' (because music, I think shares an equal part in this whole problem) on copyright issues.
CIT - I don't really know yet, something to do with authors as individuals, because I think that ties in a few of the readings, plus I get to use a few others from PWP. Which would be shiny.
Creative Writing - one more piece to write, a 2500 word short story in the genre of my choosing. The ideas are there. The words aren't.
But, I have now done my presentation for Publishing, which is nice, because now I have no more presentation left to do, which is awesome, because I hate the frelling things. (presentation on accessibility)
If there's anywhere I can post a powerpoint, I'd be happy to share my joint presentation on how the War of the Worlds = people are stupid and should never listen to the radio, or rather, the blurring of fact and fiction using Orson Welles radio broadcast as a case study. It has pretty pictures.
Clearly, I'd rather be in any number of numerous galaxies right now.
Ahem *coughsfoilsnotxfoilscough*
All you need is a little voice in the back of you're head:
"Stay on target.... stay on target..."
^^ Luck, MTFBWY
Well, they sound the same, and I don't generally watch the movie with subtitles. Yes, I am suitably shamed.
Yeah, I was thinking about the "stay on target..." but look at how well that advice served *him*
Where's Obi-Wan when I need him?
For publishing your ppt online, try box.net. It's free. (This is not comment spam, although it might look like it)
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